Why And How To Make A Home Inventory List For Insurance Purposes

Whether you own or rent a house, you should purchase insurance to cover the home and its content. Homeowners purchase homeowner's insurance plans for this purpose. These plans protect the person's house and all their possessions. However, insurance companies compensate homeowners for their belongings based on evidence of their belongings. That's why you need a home inventory list. Here is a further explanation of why you need a home inventory and how to make one. Read More 

Considering Renters Insurance? Don’t Fall Prey To These Common Myths

Do you rent the place you reside? If so, without renters insurance, if something happens to the property and your belongings, your belongings may simply be a loss. While renters insurance is important, many renters go without it. This is often related to some common myths associated with renters insurance coverage. Take a look at a few of the most prevailing myths about renters insurance and the facts to know.  Read More 

Tips For Choosing Insurance For Small Businesses

Small businesses may overlook their need for insurance or find they do not make enough money for all the types of insurance they need. There are certain aspects of your business that will be the most influential when selecting different types of insurance. Online Vs. Physical Location  Having a physical location is vastly different than doing business online. If you have a physical location, you will need to insurance that would protect the building and its contents, in addition to customers that visit. Read More